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Nest Thermostat a “training ground” for Smart Homes.

“There are two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live”… John Adams

As the concept of Smart Homes continues to build momentum, the question arises, “Am I comfortable with this technology?”

I had the question myself when I first began to outfit my home with the latest technology. Sun Home Automation, Richmond’s go to home automation company, handled that challenge in a most simple and effective manner.

We simply built a “Nest,”… a thermostat that is.

Most of us are used to working a thermostat in our homes. Even older adults who may be in their 80’s and 90’s are quite comfortable controlling temperatures through an electronic thermostat.

Our new thermostats do more of the thinking for us and not everyone can start right out of the gate teaching these devices to think like we do. Start with the basics. Just learn to turn the device on and off. The Nest Thermostat is bright and the options easy to learn.

But remember, this thermostat will learn as you do. It will learn your preferences for time and temperature and even adjust as the seasons change.

If you have a Smart Phone, the Sun Home technician will download the App for you. He or she will then show you how to access the app on your phone and access the dial of the thermostat just as if you were standing in front of it. To start, simply adjust the temperature by standing in front of the thermostat. Then you can gradually move away from the wall device and start using your phone exclusively.

Just a few weeks after installation, I was in Boston for a wedding when the temperature in Richmond did an extreme shift. All I had to was reach for my phone and turn on the air conditioning.

The take away here is simple. Start with this basic tool similar to what you are using today and then work your way through lights, cameras, and other tools and devices.

Can you imagine getting to a point where your thermostat senses you coming down the street and adjusts the temperature? Your interior or exterior lights set to welcome you home. Then as your car pulls in the garage or parks out front your door unlocks so you don’t have to fumble for your keys.

It may seem like a science fiction movie today, but start with your Nest and build your Smart Home out from there. You’ll be amazed how convenient, economical and SAFE your home life becomes.

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